Klukwan Village
The Village of Klukwan is in remote northern southeast Alaska, 18 miles south of the Canadian border and 22 miles north from the town of Haines, AK. The Tlingit in this region - along the Chilkat River - are known collectively as the Jiklat (Chilkat) Kwaan.
The Chilkat Indian Village, a federally recognized Tribe representing a Native Sovereign Nation - the people of the Village of Klukwan- provides key services to the village of Klukwan and takes responsibility of stewarding and protecting the lands and waterways within the tribes territory.
Today the Jilkat Kwaan territory begins at seven miles above Haines on the east side of the Chilkat River and just below the confluence of the Kicking Horse River on the west side of Chilkat River. The area extends the Chilkat and Klehini rivers north as far as the divide in Canada. [1] The traditional territory of the Jilkat Kwaan people covered an area of 2.6 million acres and extended from beyond the Canadian Border at Stone House Creek (approximately 45 miles north of Klukwan), to Berners Bay at the south end of Lynn Canal (approximately 70 miles south of Klukwan).
Our subsistence-based economies, the mental and physical health of our people and our spiritual practices, are all directly tied to the land, water, animals, and plants of the Chilkat Valley.
Click to learn more about the Jilkaat Kwaan Heritage Center and Bald Eagle Preserve Visitor Center.